Be a Life Saver.
We invite you to be part of our annual Life Saver Campaign by donating to help BVRMC acquire essential life-saving equipment: AEDs, AED Trainers and a LUCAS Chest Compression System. These tools are crucial in our mission to save lives and educate our community during cardiac emergencies.
Heart disease remains a leading cause of death, with approximately 805,000 Americans experiencing a heart attack each year, 605,000 of which are first-time occurrences. At BVRMC, we treat around 2,000 cardiac patients annually, and our Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab program sees over 3,300 visits each year. These statistics highlight the pressing need for advanced cardiac care and education in our community.
Your donation will help us secure 18 AEDs, two AED trainers and one LUCAS Compression System, benefiting multiple hospital departments, our ambulances and our community education efforts. Your support can make a profound difference.
Please consider making a donation to this important campaign. Your contribution will have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals who rely on timely and effective cardiac care. Together, we can make a real difference in our community’s health and safety.
Last year you helped purchase a new endoscopy system for BVRMC’s Same Day Surgery Department, enhancing our ability to provide top-notch health care services to our community.