New Art Featured at BVRMC

Amber Chrischilles | January 2nd, 2023

Marilyn Tamm-Schmitt

Fonda, Iowa


Fonda photographer, Marilyn Tamm-Schmitt, has a passion for nature photography stemming from her childhood love of all natural beauty.

During her over 30 year career as an educator in modern languages, Marilyn pursued her interest in photography, specializing in birds, dogs, cats, flowers and horses. Her lifetime of rescuing animals as well as operating her own animal shelter, Cedar Creek Sanctuary, has provided willing subjects for many of her photo shoots.

For several decades she and her husband operated Tamm-Schmitt Photography, specializing in wedding, graduation and family portraits. Once retired from teaching, Marilyn’s passion broadened to include many local woodland and prairie scenes. She knows that one does not often have to travel far to find a myriad of the colorful and unique. Iowa is truly a trophy case of natural beauty.

Marilyn and her husband, Randy, have now opened the “Prairie Song Gallery” in Fonda where visitors can enjoy Marilyn’s photography in a relaxed atmosphere. The gallery features theme rooms such as “Birds, Blooms and Butterflies,” “Horses” and “Woodland Wonders,” along with several other categories.

If you have an interest in Marilyn’s photographic work, she may be reached at or 712.749.0442.

Marilyn-Tamm Schmitt standing next to her artwork at BVRMC